- One Year Unconditional Piece To Piece Replacement Guaranteed System of Eagle.
- More Than 47 Years Unchallengeable Service of Eagle.
- The Eagle Provide Auto Calibration Function in all Electronics Systems, It is very user friendly to clients with password system, enable to customer for self well managing The Electronics Systems & Weighbridge.
- The Eagle Will Provide Bright LED & LED Display For easy view.
- The Eagle Will Provide The Power Protection System Against Power Fluctuation.
- The Eagle Will Provide Stainless Steel Junction-Box With Corner Card.
- Superior Quality & Prompt Service of Eagle.
- Clientele Customer Canvassing Support to the Eagle Brand.
- Affordable Competitive Price to All Segments.
- The Eagle Will Provide The World Class U.P.S. With High Voltage Protection & Battery Back Up System on Free Of Cost to Corporate Customers.
- The Load Cells Has The Approval Of O.I.M.L. N.T.E.P. & ROSH Which Are Compulsory To The Load Cells At Developed Countries.
- The Load Cells has IP 68 Facilities for Environmental Protection.
- The Load Cells Are Tested up to One Meter below Water Condition So There is no Problem in Wet Condition?
- The Load Cells Are Properly Functioning -35 To + 65 Degree Temperature.
- The Eagle Will Provide Cup & Ball Type Shear Beam Load Cells, in this system There Is No Problem For Any Directional Load & Total Sock Of Load Will Be Absorbable, So There Is No Chance To Breakage Of Load Cells In Whole Life Of Weigh Bridge.
- The Eagle Will Provide Reputed Branded Mild Steel Structures.